Time has flown by! October and November have come and gone in the blink of an eye! We've enjoyed many activities! From the Pumpkin Patch to the Thanksgiving Feast...we've been busy! Here's a link to my online photos from September-November. (Click Here!) I hope you enjoy looking at them with your child! Ask them about the activities you see pictured!
We just finished our unit on the Gingerbread Man. In addition to reading the traditional story we read: "The Gingerbread Boy", "The Gingerbread Baby", "The Gingerbread Girl", and "The Gingerbread Cowboy"! We compared the characters, settings, problems, and solutions of all books. We enjoyed many activities that centered around gingerbread. Our favorite was tasting gingerbread!
We've been reassessing sounds, letter recognition, and sight words. We've been setting sight word goals and many students are very close to learning all 31 kindergarten sight words! Thank you for all the work you do at home! Remember when your child brings their reading folder/words home to help them figure tricky words out by: reminding them to get their mouth ready (say the beginning sound), look at the picture, think about what makes sense, and look for parts of the word they know (going...they know go and ing...blend it together!)
When writing make sure they're clapping syllables (but-ter-fly) and stretching the syllables slowly to hear each sound. At this point they should just be writing the sounds that they hear. It doesn't have to be perfect! When writing their first and last names only the first letter should be uppercase!
We're enjoying many math games! Continue counting by 1's to 20, by 10's to 100, and by 5's to100. Use fun holiday objects to make growing and repeating patterns (red bow, green bow, green bow, red bow, green bow, green bow).
Our field trip to the Science Museum is tomorrow! I'll be sure to take a lot of photos and videos while at the museum. We will be enjoying a holiday treat and crafts on Friday afternoon.
I hope your families have a wonderful winter break!
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